Finding new ways to understand history through five compelling interactive displays

From their central location in the Perth Cultural Centre, WA Museum Boola Bardip inspires people to explore and share their identity, environment, culture and sense of place. For the grand re-opening of the Boola Bardip building, curators also wanted installations that would contribute to diversity and creativity.

Rising to the occasion, Gibson Group designed and programmed five Interactive Displays connecting WA residents to their history with dynamic visualisations and interactivity. We created a wall projection with an evocative soundtrack that links WA to the world through trade, exploration, weather and global events.

Three interactive maps on touchscreens allow users to interrogate the local effects of world-wide conflicts, while an immigration questionnaire places each user among their peers on different graphs about the ethnic makeup of the state.

Our role

  • Museum consultants
  • Stakeholder and cultural engagement
  • Experience design
  • Multimedia design

Life-sized interactive displays

In the museum exhibition, audiences are captivated by a large projection of global themes in the looping, dual-projector, Global Systems Wall video. Three map-based interactives – Imminent Threat, Under Attack and Where We Serve – invite users to investigate military histories by selecting from locations on touchscreens that can be navigated by chronology, location and theme.

The 10-question Migration And Me interactive gives visitors a series of ethical choices as they navigate issues of migration and citizenship, visualising how their own attitudes on migration and multiculturalism align with others in the community.

The interactives draw media from the museum’s database through integrations programmed by our software engineers.

Gibson International collaborated with

Animator and composer David Downes.

Got a question, need a hand, or want to partner up?